Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Looks like another all-nighter for me. Goodness gracious, what a day.

However, I have decided to write to you all about something that is bothering me. I often feel like, when I begin writing, I have almost nothing to write about, but that I still want to write. As such, if you are just visiting my blog for the first time or if you are a returner, if you have any ideas you would like me to write about, hear my opinion on, or just in general anything at all, please feel free to comment any time and let me know.

I also wanted to talk about caffeinated beverages. Sometimes, I wonder where the world would be without them. I'm not sure what culture can take credit for the idea of drinking beverages with caffeine (I'm sure it's multiple, as many drinks themselves have caffeine), but whatever culture(s) it is, the world is in debt to you. Most people have probably heard the slogan "America Runs on Dunkin'" for Dunkin' Donuts, and that's almost true. Although America does not run on their exact brand of coffee, I know many people that can't get out of bed in the morning without a cup of tea or coffee. I, personally, only drink caffeinated drinks once and a while, but during finals period, I just keep drinking them. Of course, it helps that I got a free 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew.

Although I wish I could just curl up in a ball and go to bed right now, I think I am going to instead make myself another pot of tea, and continue studying about the vomeronasal organ in rodents and infrasonic production in mystecites. Good night.

Bio fact--the vomeronasal organ is a waste of my time.

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