Monday, December 15, 2008

Walking down the street can be quite educational

At least I've been studying a bit. I also am in the process of submitting 2 more applications (woop-dee-doo). The website for one application keeps stalling out, so because of this I've decided to take a break while it takes fifteen minutes to load.

I realized something interesting today. There are some people in the world that are really fake, and you can't help but dislike them, even if you don't know them that well. There is this one girl at school here, and when I first met her, she seemed nice. We were part of our residence's student government together when I was a sophomore and she was a freshman. However, the more I got to know her the more I realized her giant smiles with those little peg-teeth were full of fake emotion. She didn't really care about anyone there at all--it was all an act. I saw her walking down the street today, and as I passed her, our eyes met, so I waved and she gave me that smile--ugh. It sends shivers down my spine at how over exaggerated it is. But then again, I realized that I don't really like her much, so my smile was fake too. I just hope it wasn't as obviously cheesily fake and horrid as hers.

But I also realized, in that same encounter, that dispite disliking someone there are some things that you can't help liking about them. For example, depsite this girl's terrible smile and overall not attractiveness, she has the best posture out of anyone I have ever seen (rivalling one of my friends in high school who had been a dancer her whole life). It's not that I like that she has great posture. It's more that I'm jealous that she has great posture. Despite disliking her, I still am jealous of the fact that she always carries herself with poise and confidence. Whenever I see her, it almost serves as a reminder to push my shoulders back and my sternum up and out.

It's cool how you discover these little interesting life lessons just while hurriedly walking down a crowded street.

PS--bio fact of the day
Human hair on average grows at a rate of a 1/2 inch per month.

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