Sunday, December 14, 2008

Biology Fact! I forgot *hits forehead*

So, I wanted to make this blog be not only full interesting stories, imagination and stuff going on in my life, but also have one interesting biology fact per day. I think it's important that people learn about the world around them. So, I decided to go out and find an interesting fact of the day.

We're going to pretend it's still Saturday the 13th of December, so that this fact counts for Saturday.

Interesting fact:
Male Birds of Paradise, found in Australia and islands between Australia and Asia, have the craziest courtship dances and/or coloration. The males their dances and colorful plumage as tools to attract females, and the females use the male display in order to decide whether he is good enough or not to mate with (similar to the way human women choose male partners based on their chivalrous behavior, manners, personality and looks). See the links below for some links to bird dances that will probably be some of the craziest things you'll ever see. Enjoy :)
(I find the music on this one slightly annoying) (I personally like this one :) )

Have a good evening. I'm going with my family and boyfriend Mike to pick out a Christmas tree tomorrow. I hope everyone else's holiday season is going well!

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